Braces Makes Pain, Is It True?

Article | 2020-11-30 01:37:06

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Braces Makes Pain, Is It True?

Crowded, irregular and protruded teeth have been a problem for some people since long time ago. Attempts to correct the disorder, orthodontic treatment was carried out. The goal of modern orthodontic treatment is to establish a good relationship between the bite and the tooth, achieving a long-term, stable facial aesthetic and results.

Pain often appears during orthodontic treatment. About 90% to 95% of patients experience pain. Pain is not a big problem, but nearly 10% of patients avoid orthodontic treatment, because the patient has experienced pain. Patients who are afraid of illness can avoid orthodontic treatment.

Pain can be felt by the patient 8 hours after the first activation of the orthodontic appliance. The pain you feel depends on the force used. Pain perception in orthodontic treatment is caused by changes in blood circulation due to orthodontic appliance.

Pain on the orthodontic mechanism, is divided into two large groups, the first is related to the application of pressure, and the second is based on its onset. When applied, the first degree occurs when the patient is unresponsive to pain, unless the operator manipulates the tooth by moving it with the help of an ortho device. At the second level pain or discomfort when biting. Whereas the third degree, the patient cannot chew food with a normal consistency.

However, you shouldn't worry too much if an orthodontist recommends that you wear braces. With professional treatment and advice from an orthodontist, you can minimize the pain caused by using braces.

Pain management is an important part of orthodontic treatment, the success of the treatment will be better if supported by patient cooperation. This can be obtained if the patient feels comfortable and is not afraid to visit the dentist. Having good pain control skills from the dentist will increase the cooperation of the patient because pain is one of the factors causing the fear of going to the dentist. Pain management aims to better manage pain in patients based on complaints received, so that dentists can determine a comprehensive treatment plan to achieve maximum results in treatment success.

If the pain is excruciating or makes you unable to carry out your routine activities, especially after using braces or every time you adjust braces, consult your orthodontist. Ask for the best solution to reduce excessive pain.

Always consult your dental and oral health problems with the best dentists and dental clinics in Bali.

BIA Dental Center

Jl. Sunset Road No.86A, Seminyak, Badung, Bali Indonesia 80361.
