Optimize Childrens Intelligence by Taking Care of Their Dental Health

Article | 2021-12-01 07:39:05

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Optimize Children's Intelligence

by Taking Care of Their Dental Health

Children's health in general is so important because it affects the growth and development of children's intelligence. Dental health is one of the important things for children's growth and development, because nutritional intake through food starts from chewing in the mouth. Unfortunately, not many parents are aware of the importance of maintaining the health of their children's teeth and mouth to optimize growth and development, even their children's intelligence. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between dental health and child development and intelligence.

As we know, the most common dental problem we encounter in children is cavities. Dental caries are more prone to occur in children because the enamel layer on primary teeth is not as strong and not as thick as permanent teeth in adults, plus the tendency of children to consume sweet foods, drinks and snacks. The rest of the sweet food that sticks to the child's primary teeth will eventually accumulate and become food for bacteria in the mouth, then the bacteria will produce acid which will dissolve tooth enamel, and dental caries occur. Dental caries that are left for a long time will expand and will get deeper until it reaches the deepest layer of the tooth, namely the pulp. If it reaches the pulp, the tooth will feel very painful, and eventually interfere with the child's daily activities.

This pain will be very annoying, especially when chewing, so children tend not to have an appetite. Indirectly, nutritional intake from food that should be consumed by children is not obtained, although it is not significant, but this can interfere with the growth and development of children because children cannot chew normally or even do not want to eat because of toothache. Toothache can last from a few days to weeks, depending on the severity of the caries. A cavity that is not treated immediately can develop into an infection when it reaches the pulp layer. Swelling of the gums near the area of ​​cavities accompanied by pus is a picture of an acute abscess, if not treated immediately this condition can get worse. The pain of cavities will of course also interfere with children's concentration in teaching and learning activities at school, so that children's learning achievement in school decreases. In the 2016 Journal of Dental Health, it is said that there is a relationship between dental and oral health status that affects learning achievement at school. Where children who have healthy teeth tend to have good learning achievements compared to children whose teeth are not healthy.

The role of parents in maintaining the health of children's teeth and mouth from an early age is very important, especially in forming the habit of brushing teeth. Children who are accustomed to brushing their teeth since childhood must have healthy teeth. Check your child's teeth at least every 6 months to the dentist to find out the condition of your child's dental health, including if there are deciduous teeth that are due to fall out. Make sure you and your family have healthy teeth with the best dental care for your family at BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center. BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center is ready to serve you with the best professional dentists in their fields. BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center is a trusted dental clinic near Kuta and not far from the airport. Don't let dental problems ruin your holiday in Bali, if you are enjoying the beautiful views of Ubud and unexpectedly need a dentist, the distance from Ubud to BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center is approximately 35 km. Entrust your dental care to the dentist at the best dental clinic in Bali of your choice.

BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center
Jl. Sunset Road No.86A, Seminyak, Badung, Bali Indonesia 80361.


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