Tooth Diseases and the Decline in Quality of Life

Article | 2023-12-11 10:30:08

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Tooth Diseases and the Decline in Quality of Life

Some people tend to underestimate the importance of oral health, thinking that dental diseases do not significantly impact daily activities, considering the mouth as a separate entity from the rest of the body.

Teeth and the mouth play a crucial role in verbal and non-verbal communication. Dental and oral diseases can damage self-image and alter the ability to establish and maintain social relationships and self-satisfaction.

Poor oral health can affect appetite and eating ability, potentially causing malnutrition due to reduced or lost chewing function. For example, conditions like cavities, diseases affecting supporting dental tissues, toothaches, tooth loss, dry mouth, and uncomfortable dentures can result in inadequate nutritional intake. Poor oral health conditions can also cause pain and discomfort, impacting learning, child development, and work concentration.

Diseases that occur in the oral cavity do not only affect that area but can also have repercussions on the entire body. If dental diseases are left untreated, they can contribute to more serious illnesses, affecting the quality of life and even shortening life expectancy.

Here are some effects caused by gum disease or dental supporting tissue issues:

1. Increases the risk of a heart attack by 25%.

2. Increases the risk of stroke.

3. Increases the severity of diabetes.

4. Contributes to premature birth and low birth weight.

5. Contributes to respiratory diseases.

6. Disrupts digestion.

7. Plays a role in causing osteoporosis.

8. Causes stress.

9. Reduces the body's resistance to other infectious diseases.

10. Reduces life expectancy.

The most serious damage is caused by advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis. Periodontitis leads to loss of attachment and loss of bone supporting the teeth. It is essential to understand that periodontal disease does not only involve soft oral tissues but can, if left untreated, damage the structure of the jawbone. Harmful bacteria from this infection can spread through the bloodstream, affecting organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

In essence, the oral cavity is a breeding ground for bacteria, and poor oral health can significantly contribute to the spread of bacterial infections throughout the body. Therefore, it is always wise to consult with a dentist and choose the best dental clinic in Bali to maintain your oral health.


- Laskaris, G., Scully, C., and Tatakis, D.N., 2003, Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases,

- McGuire, T., 2000, The Relationship of Oral Health to Overall Health and Longevity, [](

Contact Information:

BIA (Bali Implant Aesthetic) Dental Center

Jl. Sunset Road No.168, Seminyak, Badung, Bali Indonesia 80361.
