What You Should Know Before You Install Braces
Article | 2019-10-05 14:17:48
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Braces are devices used in orthodontics to straighten teeth and help position them in the correct dental arch, depending on one's bite because each patient has a different case. Besides orthodontic treatment also aims to improve dental health. Braces can also repair teeth that have gaps/diastema and improve lower bites, malocclusions, upper bites, open bites, deep bites, crossbites, crooked teeth, and various other weaknesses in teeth and jaws. Braces can be cosmetic or structural and are often used in conjunction with other orthodontic equipment to help the expansion of the roof of the mouth or jaw and form the teeth jaw.
How Do Braces Work?
Overall, braces work by applying continuous pressure over a period of time to slowly move the teeth in a certain direction. When the teeth move, the bone changes shape when pressure is applied. Traditionally there are four basic elements used: brackets, bonding material, archwire, and elastic ligature (or referred to as "O-ring").

The teeth move when the curved wire presses on the bracket and teeth. Braces have constant pressure that over time moves the teeth to the desired position. The process of loosening teeth after new bone grows to support the tooth in its new position. This is called bone remodeling. Bone remodeling is a biomechanical process that is responsible for making bones stronger in response to sustained load-bearing activity and weaker if there is no load.
How Long Do I Have to Wear Braces?
The time needed to use braces varies from person to person, depending on the severity of the case in the tooth, the patient's age, the number of teeth available, the distance teeth must travel, dental health, gums, and supporting bones, and how cooperative the patient is in following instructions. After finishing the braces, the teeth will stay in place for one to three years. After braces are removed, patients need to wear a retainer at all times during the first six months, then only during sleep for many years.
How often do I need to see a dentist during treatment?
Visit your dentist every month or so to make sure the braces put stable pressure on the teeth. To make more pressure and pressure on your teeth, the dentist will make adjustments to the braces, springs, or rubber band braces. In some cases, braces alone are not enough to straighten teeth or shift jaws. In this situation, external equipment such as headgear needs to be worn at home at night.
Will braces hurt?
Some adjustments made by your dentist to the braces make your mouth hurt or uncomfortable. When needed, painkillers that are sold freely can help ease the pain. If you always experience a lot of pain after your braces are adjusted, talk to your dentist about this, to be able to make adjustments a little differently.
Does the Age of the Patient Affect the Success of Braces?
The mechanical process used to move teeth with braces is the same at all ages. So the benefits of orthodontic treatment are available for children and adults who want to improve their appearance and bite. The main difference between treatment in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults take longer than children's bones because adult bones no longer grow.
BIA Dental Center Braces Products
Metal Braces - These metal braces are one of the most popular tooth braces used with stainless metal braces and colorful rubber that hold the wire to the bracket.

Clear Braces - Clear Braces uses ceramic materials with a wire that can be colored metal. It works in the same way as the metal type braces that we all know. Only different in color and material.

Invisalign - Invisalign straighteners are the latest orthodontic treatment in the current era, using barely visible tools, and shapes made specifically with your teeth. They work in a series of trays that gradually shift your teeth into place. Each tray are made in several stages so that the tray helps position teeth that are more straight and aligned than the previous trays. Your teeth will usually move up to 0.25 mm per trays.

Bali Implant Aesthetic (BIA) Dental Center
Bali Implant Aesthetic (BIA) Dental Center provides professional and specialist dental services professionally equipped with complete and sophisticated equipment and facilities. BIA Dental Center has a clean, bright and airy decoration. Located in a convenient and easy-to-reach part of town.

The team of highly skilled dentists who are graduates of Dentistry at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta and Implant certification from Harvard University, Aesthetic certification from New York (NYU) universities, and other seminar programs in various countries. It is intended that our BIA Dental Center team always provides the best service by providing high-quality dental care for patients from simple examinations to complex specialist procedures.

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