During the Covid-19 Pandemic, When and How to Use Masks?

Article | 2020-04-09 01:25:13

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During the Covid-19 Pandemic, When and How to Use Masks?

In general, this virus is spread through droplets or splashes of respiratory products such as snot splashes, sneezing and coughing, so people who are required to wear masks are those who have a fever, people who have the flu / cough / sneeze, and people who are recovering from sick. This is because a person who has a fever and is recovering is in a poor immune condition, so he must protect himself from possible risks of exposure. These people are required to use ordinary surgical masks.

For health workers who provide interventions or health measures to patients, where the action must be done in close proximity of less than 1 meter, then the mask used is the N95 mask. If necessary, will use a more complete personal protective equipment according to guidelines for infection prevention and control. The general public is not required to use N95 masks, just ordinary surgical masks.

When should you wear a mask?

  1. If you are healthy, you only need a mask only when treating people suspected of being infected with Covid-19.

  2. Wear a mask if you cough or sneeze.

  3. The mask is only effective when used by combining the act of washing hands with soap regularly.

  4. If you wear a mask, you must understand how to wear and dispose of it.

How to use a mask?

  1. Before wearing a mask, wash your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer containing alcohol.

  2. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask and make sure there is no gap between the face and the mask.

  3. Press the top part of the mask so that it follows the shape of the nose and pull the bottom of the chin to backward.

  4. Make sure the colored part is on the front.

  5. Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. If you touch it, wash your hands immediately using water and meth or alcohol hand sanitizer.

  6. Replace the mask with a new one and don't use a disposable mask a second time.

  7. To remove the mask, remove it from the back (do not touch the front of the mask), immediately dispose of it in a closed trash can, clean your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer made from alcohol.

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